In sacred geometry the star tetrahedron and the octahedron represent the bandwidths of consciousness and the dimensions of the reality we are experiencing on this planet.
The basic property of polarity or duality consciousness is that we experience our lives and societies, our reality, through the lens of judgement and comparison, right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse. The star tetrahedron is the geometry of polarity, or as it is also known, duality consciousness.
The other basic property of polarity consciousness is free will. In polarity/duality consciousness we have free will to make choices about our behaviour, how we think and how we act. Importantly we have the free will to impose our will upon others. How we choose to use our will is a real test of character and ethics.
The higher realms view imposition of will as a criminal act. They impose their will in extreme situations which threaten life everywhere. For instance we know that benevolent galatic civilisations visiting Earth have disarmed nuclear weapons. Nuclear explosions damage all dimensions and affect all realities. We exist in a holographic reality. Nuclear explosions are mega. They rip and rock the holographic boat, big time.
The sacred geometry for polarity consciousness, the star tetrahedron, is created using two identical platonic solids known as tetrahedrons. The tetrahedron has four sides. It is often described as a three sided pyramid, and the fourth side is the base it sits upon. Like all platonic solids each side is identical, and the entire shape fits snugly into a sphere drawn around its apexes.
The star tetrahedron is created with two tetrahedrons. One tetrahedron represents female energy and the other tetrahedron represents male energy. Imagine placing the bases together so that they face in opposite directions. Then imagine moving them into each other until half of each tetrahedron is outside the middle section.
This process creates eight new small tetrahedrons around the integrated parts of the original tetrahedrons. This is the star tetrahedron. It is effectively a three dimensional Star of David.
Conventionally the apex pointing up to the sky is the top half of the male tetrahedron, and the apex pointing down into the Earth is the top half of the female tetrahedron. In metaphysical and esoteric understandings the Earth is female energy and the Sky is male energy.
It is interesting is it not, that the sacred geometry for duality or polarity consciousness uses two identical forms of the same platonic solid. This elegantly conveys the truth that male and female are created equal by the loving intelligence woven through every particle in our multiverse. It speaks to the duality or polarity of the way in which we experience and understand our feelings and thoughts and actions. Importantly, the female and male energies are balanced.
Whilst we were all firmly in the third dimension the star tetrahedron was used to activate merkabas. To be clear, the star tetrahedron is not a merkaba.
As the base resonant frequencies of the planets in our solar system are rising people with sufficiently high vibrational frequencies are experiencing a higher level of consciousness for our species. This new higher level of consciousness is represented by the platonic solid known as the octahedron.
The octahedron is the geometry of universal love, also known as unity consciousness.
Hanging out in the space of universal love means moment by moment feeling love for all life. That’s quite a stretch given the circumstances we are experiencing on Terra.
Universal love or unity consciousness experientially understands that we are all one equal part of one great connected universal system of consciousness. When we understand and feel this connection we behave differently to the way we behave in polarity reality. We understand that everything and everybody, everywhere, are an expression of the same universal consciousness that we all experience. In one form or another, we all manifest the reality we experience. We are all, great and small, a holographic part of this great Oneness.
Thus the octahedron is a single platonic solid. It has eight identical sides. It looks like two regular four sided pyramids with square bases which have been joined together to form a diamond shape such as we see on a deck of cards.
We have eight small tetrahedrons on the star tetrahedron and there are eight sides to the octahedron. I am reminded that I have heard it said that at conception when our father’s sperm pierced and fertilised our mother’s egg which then splits into two then four then eight and so on, that the first eight cells created never die until we do. I have also heard it said that these first eight cells are more truly us, ourself, than anything else. And where are these first eight cells? I think they have to be at the perineum.
Getting out of polarity or duality reality means being able to continuously experience and hang out in the vibrational bandwidth of universal, or unconditional, love. Which is to say we will no longer be judging people and their words and their actions. We will no longer feel and think it’s OK to impose our will upon other beings. We have passed the tests of free will. Again, the octahedron is the sacred geometry which represents love.
1. Unity consciousness means everybody understands Life is sacred.
2. Unity consciousness means that everybody understands everything is conscious to a greater or lesser degree.
3. Unity consciousness means that you understand and know that every body and every thing is connected and equal.
4. Unity consciousness is living continuously in the NOW moment.
5. Unity consciousness continuously sustains feelings of universal, unconditional love and joy.
6. Unity consciousness has the ability to create the miracles we need to heal and change our world.
Amongst the galactic civilisations helping us at this time are the Hathors, and the Arcturians. The Hathors are an ancient and advanced interdimensional, intergalactic civilisation of ascended beings. They inhabit hyperspace and live in a continuous state of universal love and joy.
The Hathors used to work with initiates in the temples in ancient Egypt. When we lost consciousness and fell asleep they left the planet. They were subsequently asked to return by Sanat Kumara, the ascended master with responsibility for overseeing the transition of planet Earth into a higher vibrational band width – into octahedral, universal love consciousness.
The Hathors have experienced the shift of their civilisation from polarity into unity consciousness. They have done what the universe is currently offering us so they know the ropes. They regard themselves as our big brothers and sisters, and offer practical guidance on how to support and raise our energies, and thus our vibrational frequencies, at this time.
The Hathors are renowned as masters of love, sound, and energy. They are believed to be the most loving and intelligent beings in our universe. I also understand they are the only civilisation present in this galaxy who do not use any kind of weaponry. Hence they always enter, travel, and work in our universe under the protection of the Arcturian star fleet.
Sanat Kumara is Arcturian and is also the sector commander of the Arcturian star fleet which keeps the peace in the Milky Way galaxy. The Arcturians stand for the advancement of life, intelligence and benevolence. They believe in freedom, but not to the extent of freedom for those who limit and impinge upon the freedom of other beings.
The Hathors and the Arcturians, amongst other galactic civilisations, are helping us through this current process of profound changes in our biosphere, which is to say our planet, and in our consciousness.
Both the tetrahedron and the octahedron are platonic solids. All five platonic solids originate within, and are extrapolated from, the Flower of Life grid. When the Hathors speak of the Flower of Life they say it is the blueprint for creation in this universe.
“The Flower of Life is a fundamental pattern that the Universe is laid out on, so even the molecular and atomic grids are laid out in this pattern; therefore, it’s the platform that unfolds destiny. It is the blueprint. Without it there would be no manifestation”. The Hathor Material, Messages From An Ascended Civilisation, by Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene.
The etheric crystalline Flower of Life grid is not a flat two dimensional thing. It is a hologram. You cannot speak without using words. Without words there is no speech. Without a pen/pencil/chalk/stick/keyboard and paper or earth/sand/soil you cannot write. Without the holographic blueprint of the Flower of Life, and the blueprints which are extrapolated from it, there is no manifestation because there is literally nothing to manifest with.
For thousands of years human beings worked to anchor the energies of unity consciousness to the planet. With assistance from the higher realms they created an etheric crystalline geometric grid around our planet which supports this level of consciousness. When I first learned about this planetary grid it was spoken of and referred to as the Christ Consciousness Grid. Nowadays it seems to be known and referred to simply as the Earth Grid.
This planetary grid is about 60 miles above the surface of our planet. Specifically it is a combination of two platonic solids, the dodecahedron and the icosahedron. This shape is known as the icosadodecahedron. My point is that it was finally completed around 1986. It is the etheric blueprint, the crystalline grid structure which supports unity, universal love consciousness for our planet. Because it is completed it means we are now able to evolve into spiritual grown ups. We are able to join the greater galactic community already hanging out in universal love consciousness. In terms of sacred geometry, and etheric blueprints, everything for us to shift into a whole new world, a new loving reality, is in place.
© Anne Ward 2016 and updated 2021
Yeah – about twelve years ago (don’t tempus fugit?) I became fascinated with the Flower of Life and invested in the two volumes of Drumvalo MELCHIZZEDEK’s seminal work ‘The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life’.. This would appear to be a ‘development’ of this topic? He was certainly into the ‘psychological’ element which he termed the ‘Mer-Ka-Ba’ – which also relates to you two latest postings! All Blessings